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Create Survey with Survey Builder
Sonika Mehta avatar
Written by Sonika Mehta
Updated over a week ago

Zonka Feedback offers you a powerful survey builder to create your surveys and forms from scratch or edit the existing ones, which means you can setup your own design, questions, survey logics and translations and customize each property to the smallest bit. This article will take you through the steps of creating and customizing your surveys in your Zonka Feedback account.

In this section

Create a new Survey

When you first sign up for your Zonka Feedback account, you will directly be taken to the create experience wizard where you can opt to proceed on to customize one of the templates OR you can choose to start from scratch by selecting 'Start from Scratch'.

Zonka feedback offers you hundreds of templates for the following experiences.

  1. Customer Feedback Survey

  2. Product or In-app Survey

  3. Website Survey

  4. Offline & Kiosk Survey

  5. Employee Feedback Survey

  6. Helpdesk and Agent feedback

  7. Market Research

  8. General Surveys, Quiz and Polls

If you don't wish to proceed with any of the templates, you can click on Start from Scratch to build a completely new survey with no pre-added questions or look and feel. You will be taken to the Zonka Feedback Survey Builder.

Zonka Feedback Survey Builder is one-place to create, customize, and personalize your surveys, quizzes and polls.

The three types of forms offered by Zonka Feedback - Surveys, Quizzes and Polls - differ slightly from each other as explained in the following section.

Comparison in General Survey, Quizzes and Polls

Each type of forms have additional settings for giving away the expected experience to the creator as well as the respondents. The table below lays down down the property wise comparison.


General Survey



General Tone of the Form

The tone is set to get the information and feedback from the respondents.

The respondents are scored and ranked for the correct answers.

The responses are analysed to get the opinion of a targeted audience.


No scoring option is available in General Survey

In Quizzes, the respondents receive a score based on the number of correct answers.

In polls, the choices are scored based on the number of respondents' vote.


Such surveys are not timed, but the time taken to respond is captured.

You can set time for the whole quiz or every question individually.

Polls are not timed as well.

Leaders' Board

Responses in General Survey are not ranked.

Respondents in quiz are ranked based on the score they earned.

The choices are ranked based on how they are voted for.

Real Time Participation Report

Offers you an In-depth analysis of the responses collected for the set of questions.

Offers the real time participation and ranking report for all the respondents

Offers the detailed performances of all the options in the poll.

Customizing your Survey in the Survey Builder

In all above cases - whether you choose from a ready-to-use Type of Survey, choose a Survey Template or choose to create a Survey from Scratch - you’d land up in the Survey Builder where you can brand your survey with your company background, logo, and colors, as well as add any questions you’d like to ask your Customers.

Understanding the Survey Builder

As the name suggests, Survey Builder is the place to build and modify your surveys. Here’s all about the builder:

  1. Survey Name - On the top left-hand side, you’d see an editable text field where you can view and edit the name of the Survey

  2. Survey Settings - Next to the Survey Name, on the top left-hand side, is an icon to modify and control the Survey Settings. This includes Survey Settings for Offline Tablet & Kiosk Surveys, Online Survey Settings, and Survey Language.

  3. Survey Screen - In the Center of the top navigation is a drop-down where you can select the Survey Screen as well as the Survey Question. As you jump between screens and questions, the preview of the selected option will be visible in the Survey Preview Screen in the middle.

  4. Survey Theme - On the right-hand side you will find a button with a 'Paintbrush' icon. This symbol is meant for editing or to change the look and feel of the survey theme in the builder.

  5. Language Selection - Besides the Survey Theme option (on the right-hand side), you find a drop-down menu for the languages selected option.

  6. Question Bank + Questions Layout - On the left-hand side of the builder, find all your questions ordered as per your preference under the 'Questions' tab. Along with this if you want to add new questions to your survey click on the '+Add'. You have the below category of questions to add to your survey:

Category: General Questions



Section Break

It allows you to add a header section or split the survey form into sections.

Text Box

It allows you to collect short open-ended answers from respondents.


It is a closed-ended question that provides the respondent with a pick list of various possible answer options for the question.

Button Questions

It allows you to add multiple-choice questions.

Radio Buttons

It allows you to select a single option among multiple options. Best used for asking Yes or No answers.


It allows you to select more than one option among the given multiple options.

Picture Choice

It allows you to give a pictorial representation of the options that are added to a question.


It allows you to pick a date from a given calendar.


It is ideal to use when you want the respondents to rank a list of options in the order they prefer.

Legal Terms

It is ideal to use if you want your respondents to abide by the legal T&Cs before he/she proceeds to submit the feedback.

Image Capture

It allows you to capture an image of the respondent through his/her device.

Team Name

It is ideal to use for your internal evaluation where your employee will put his/her name in the section and then proceeds to take the feedback over devices.

Category: Rating and Scales



Matrix/Rating Scale

It is a closed-ended question that asks respondents to evaluate one or more row items using the same set of column choices.

Rating 3 Scale

It is ideal to use in your survey when you want to design the question on a 3 scale parameter.

Rating 4 Scale

It is ideal to use in your survey when you want to design the question on a 4 scale parameter.

Rating 5 Scale

It is ideal to use in your survey when you want to design the question on a 5 scale parameter.


It is ideal to use in your survey when you want to see how happy clients are with an action your business took, or certain aspects of your products/services.


It helps you to calculate customer satisfaction based on your company’s performance on a scale of 0-10


It is ideal to use when you want to ask your customers the effort applied by them in doing business with your organization, brand, product, or service.

0-10 Scale

It is ideal to use when you want to ask or take feedback on a scale of 0-10.

Category: Contact Information



Full Name

It allows you to collect the complete name details from the respondents.

First Name

It allows you to collect the complete initial name details of respondents.

Last Name

It allows you to collect the details of respondents like his/her surname.


It allows you to collect the Email ID details of your respondents.

External ID

It allows you to capture the respondent's unique identification.

Mobile Number

It allows you to capture the respondent's mobile number details with the country code.


It allows you to capture the respondent's gender details whether it’s a male or female.

Survey Settings

In Zonka Feedback, you have the option for changing or modifying your survey functionalities with the help of our Survey Settings feature. To modify the survey settings, follow the below steps,

  1. In the survey builder section, on the top left-hand side, beside the survey name, you will find a button with a Gear icon. Click on it.

  2. Once clicked, a pop-up box appears with three sections in it. They are:

Offline Surveys

This section is meant for offline survey settings to capture feedback data. You get the following options,

  • Data Capture Mode: Here you can choose the offline mode in which the feedback data will be captured. The various modes,

1. Kiosk Surveys: It is when you want to capture the data through a tablet survey as a kiosk and don't have or want assistance in handling the tablet and survey.

2. Face to Face Surveys: This mode is selected when you want to hand over the tablet to capture the responses and have assistance available to handle the tablet and survey.

3. Mobile Forms: This mode is selected when you want to capture the responses on your mobile phone.

  • Pre Capture Screen: This option gets activated only in Face to Face surveys Data Capture Mode. Using this toggle, you can add a screen before the survey starts, for the team or staff to fill in any required or related information.

  • Survey Inactivity Time out: Using this toggle, you can make the system display an alert in case the respondent is inactive for some time. If the respondent doesn't respond to the alert, the survey restarts. Below you have a section in which you can define the survey inactive time after which the alert should appear.

  • Survey Restart Time: In this option, you can set a time duration to restart the survey and come to the intro screen after the feedback has been submitted by the respondent.

  • Exit Survey Options: Here you get the option to exit the survey in the middle when required. The options,

1. Intro Screen: In this option, the survey automatically redirects to the welcome or pre-capture screen after completion.

2. Exit Screen: In this option, you get an ‘Exit’ button on the bottom right-hand side of the survey to make an exit from the survey.

3. W Gesture: In this option as an exit survey option, the respondent and the staff member would have to draw a W gesture with the help of their finger on the survey screen to take an exit from the survey loop.

  • Exit Password: In this option, you can set up the authority for someone or yourself to take an exit from the survey with the help of a password or PIN. The various options,

1. No Password: Choose this when you don't require a password to exit the survey.

2. Use Account Password: Choose this if you want to use your account/login password to exit from the survey.

3. Set PIN: Choose this option if you want to set up a PIN to exit from the survey. When you select this option, below you get the space to enter your desired PIN.

Online Surveys

In this, you get the option to set up the survey when you are looking to capture the feedback data in online mode. The following options,

  • Web Survey Layout: Here you can choose the web view and layout for this survey. The options,

1. Centre Aligned: Choose this option if you want to align the question in the center of the screen when the respondent opens up the survey online.

2. Left Aligned: Choose this option if you want to align the question on the left- hand side of the screen when the respondent opens up the survey online.

  • Redirect Survey: Here you can choose the URL (the web page link) where you would like to redirect the respondent after he/she has completed the survey. You can define the time frame in which the respondent will be re-directed to that URL.


In this, you get the option to set up the languages and the language settings you want in your survey form for your respondents of different nationalities. With the help of this option, you can create multi-lingual surveys in Zonka. The following options,

  • Button Display: With this option, the respondents get the language preference option as a button on the top left-hand side of the screen. Toggle the below bar if you want to display this button only on the intro page of the survey form or on all the pages of the survey form for the respondents.

  • Screen Display: With this option, the respondents get the language preference option as a separate screen in the survey form. Toggle the below bar if you want to display this screen before the intro screen or after the intro screen.

  • Add/Remove Language: Add/remove the survey languages by selecting/ de-selecting from the checkboxes below. We provide 30+ languages to choose from.

3. Once done with the setup, click the Close option to complete.

Modifying Survey Look and Feel

In Zonka, you can customize & manage the look and feel aspect of your survey form. Visual changes that you make to your feedback form can immediately be viewed on the preview screen of the survey builder. It allows custom branding for your valued users.

To Edit the Survey look and feel, follow these steps.

  • On the Survey table page, click on the Survey for which you want to do the setup in the settings.

  • Select the Build option on the top to enter the Survey Builder.

  • Click on the Paint Brush Icon on the right-hand side of the screen.

  • You can add logos, add background image or color, change the font style, change the font color, add personalized question/button color all at one go. This saves time and makes sure that your branding is similar on all the screens of your survey.

You can customize the following features in Zonka Survey:


Under Colors, you have the following options to edit,

  • Heading Text: Adjust the color code to set the color for heading text.

  • Option Text: Adjust the color code to set the color for option text.

  • Button: Adjust the color code to set the color code for survey buttons.


Zonka has pre-defined font style options to choose from the drop-down list. This list of fonts keeps on updating with new fonts every now and then.

Branding of your Survey

You can add elements of your brand or organisation and save them for later use also such as -


Use this option to add/change a logo in the survey. The logo image can be uploaded from your computer files and once used can be found in the media library.

Note: The setting up of the logo image has to be changed/added separately for each of the 3 survey screens, i.e., Welcome Screen, Questionnaire Screen, and Exit Screen.


Use this option to add/change the background in the survey. The background image can be uploaded from your computer files and once used can be found in the media library.

Note: The setting up of the background image has to be changed/added separately for each of the 3 survey screens, i.e., Welcome Screen, Questionnaire Screen, and Exit Screen.

Adjust the color code to set the background color in the survey in case you are not using any image as a survey background.

Setting up your Introduction / Welcome Screen

In Zonka, you can set up the Introduction / Welcome Screen as per your own taste and preferences. The following options are available on the screen to set up. Hover the mouse on-screen to find the following options,

  • Add a logo on the top of the survey: Hover the mouse on the top of the screen to get an option to add a logo

  • Edit the Welcome note text on the screen: Hover the mouse in the middle to edit the Welcome text screen.

  • Edit the 'Get Started' button on the screen: Hover the mouse on the middle button to edit the text on it.

  • Edit the below text to add/change the quote: Hover the mouse on the bottom of the screen to add/change the survey quote.

On the right-hand side of the screen, you find the following options,

  • Welcome Screen Toggle: Toggle this option to activate or de-activate the Welcome Screen

  • Background Image: Use this option to add/change the background in the survey. The background image can be uploaded from your computer files and once used can be found in the media library.

  • Background Color: Adjust the color code to set the background color in the survey in case you are not using any image as a survey background.

  • Custom Heading Color Toggle: Toggle this option to activate/de-activate the custom color of the heading text in the Welcome and Survey quote text. If activated, you get the option below,

    - Heading Color: Adjust the color code to set the color for heading text.

Managing Questions in your Survey

In the builder, on the left-hand side, you have the category of questions to add to the survey. To add the questions in the survey, click on the respective question and the question gets reflected on the survey builder.

To know more about our available questions for the survey, please refer to our Question Bank section. You can edit the question and it's various attributes in the right panel. If you don't want a question, you can simply remove it from the list of question by clicking on the 'bin' icon against it.

Also you can re-order your questions in the survey by clicking on the 're-order' icon in the left panel and then changing the order of questions by dragging and dropping them.

Create a dynamic flow for your survey with Survey logics

In Zonka Feedback, you can add Survey Logic to Questions in your Survey. Survey logic helps in skipping a set of questions when a certain condition is met in the survey. For example, if in an optional question Question 1, Option 1 is selected, then skip to Question 3 else continue moving with the next question that is, Question 2.

To set up the logic in Zonka, follow the below points,

  1. In the Survey Builder, navigate to the question to which you'd like to add the logic.

  2. Hover your mouse to the question in the Survey Builder and click on the Manage Logic Icon.

  3. A pop-up will open wherein you can add details for the Logic. Click Add Logic.

  4. The pop-up will have four drop-downs to select Answer Choice, Condition, Action, and Question.

  • The Answer Choice dropdown is the Answer Choices in the Question. (right to If in the blank).

  • The Condition drop-down has two choices 'Selected' and 'Not Selected' (in case of Single-Selection Questions) and 'Filled' or 'Not Filled' (in case of Text Fields and Comment Boxes).

  • The Action drop-down has two choices 'Skip to' or 'Hide'.

  • The Question drop-down has all the Questions following the selected one in this survey.

For each Answer Choice, you can choose the Condition, Action, and the Question to which you'd like to send the Survey Respondent. You can also send the Survey Respondent to the Exit Screen based on any Answer Choice.

5. Click on Save Logic to save the logic and close the pop-up.

Adding Language to your Survey

In Zonka Feedback, by default, all new Surveys you create are in the English Language. You can add more languages to your Survey or create a Survey in a different language and remove English from it completely. The following languages are currently supported by Zonka Feedback,




Portuguese (European)

Portuguese (Brazilian)



Spanish (Latin)

Spanish (European)








French (Canadian)





Haitian Creole
















If you're looking for more languages, we can definitely look into it. Contact us at for the same.

To add Language to your Survey, follow these steps.

  1. Navigate to Surveys and click to open the Survey to which you'd like to add Languages.

  2. Go to Build from the top navigation to edit the Survey in the Survey Builder.

  3. Click the Settings from the top left corner of the Survey Builder.

  4. From the pop-up, go to Languages.

  5. Scroll down to Add/Remove Languages and check the languages you'd like to add to your Survey.

  6. Once done, click on Close.

Note: When you add a new language, all the language translations of the Default Language get copied into the new language and can be edited anytime. The Language Translations don't take place automatically and have to be added by you manually.

To know more about our Multilingual feature in Zonka, please refer to our help article Multilingual Surveys in Zonka Feedback.

Setting up your Exit / Thank you Screen

In Zonka, you can set up the Exit / Thank you Screen as per your own taste and preferences. The following options are available on the screen to set up. Hover the mouse on-screen to find the following options,

  • Add a logo on the top of the survey: Hover the mouse on the top of the screen to get an option to add a logo

  • Edit the Exit note text on the screen: Hover the mouse in the middle to edit the Welcome text screen.

  • Edit the below text to add/change the quote: Hover the mouse on the bottom of the screen to add/change the survey quote.

On the right-hand side of the screen, you find the following options,

  • Exit Screen Toggle: Toggle this option to activate or de-activate the Exit Screen

  • Background Image: Use this option to add/change the background in the survey. The background image can be uploaded from your computer files and once used can be found in the media library.

  • Background Color: Adjust the color code to set the background color in the survey in case you are not using any image as a survey background.

  • Custom Heading Color Toggle: Toggle this option to activate/de-activate the custom color of the heading text in Exit and Survey quote text. If activated, you get the option below,

    - Heading Color: Adjust the color code to set the color for heading text.

Preview Your Survey

You can preview the survey with the help of the survey link that gets created. To preview the survey with the help of the link, follow the below steps:

  • After completing the survey design, on the top navigation bar, choose Distribute.

  • On the Distribute page, choose Getting Started or Links as the option.

  • Beside the URL or the survey link, you will find a tab ‘Copy’. Click on it to copy the link.

  • Once the link gets copied, paste the link on the browser with the below modifications,

  • If you want to preview the survey by seeing how the questions in the survey work by entering dummy responses (responses won’t be submitted), follow the survey link format

Note: In both the preview link options above, the responses don't get submitted.

What's next?

  • Now that you’re all set up with your survey, you may want to manage the responses and act on them. You can read through this article to know all the features of your All-In-One Responses Inbox.

  • Well when your response inbox gets too crowded, you may want to analyse them with our real time reports and analytics based on response tags, CX metrics and questions and identify trends and gaps.

  • Don't want to manually go through each response and take action on it? Automate it with workflows, auto-responders and auto-tagging features of Zonka Feedback.

  • Already using tools which need to get integrated with Zonka Features? Explore our app marketplace and collaborate your surveys and responses across almost all popular third party applications.

  • Finally close the feedback loop by taking action to improve customer experience based on the feedback you receive.

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