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Link Surveys πŸ”—

Share your survey with a link or a scannable QR code anywhere by an easy copy and paste.

Sonika Mehta avatar
Written by Sonika Mehta
Updated over a week ago

Link Surveys are surveys that can be accessed through a URL. With Zonka Feedback, you can generate a link for your surveys that allows your customers to access the forms and surveys through various ways.

For example, Survey Links can be added to your email signature, to your social media posts, to chat messages, to your receipt and packaging. QR Codes can also be generated for survey links and can be printed on bills, receipts, delivery boxes, posters and added to presentation slides. These QR Codes can easily be scanned for customers and users to access surveys and fill out forms.

In this article, you can find more about

How do Link Surveys work?

For every survey you create with Zonka Feedback, you can generate links - which are essentially web URLs. These links launch surveys upon click.

Each link is unique and takes you to a specific survey. However, you can generate as many links as you need for a single survey. Embed the link wherever you'd likeβ€”hyperlinking text, linking specific buttons in an email, and more.β€” or post the full URL anywhere you need it.

The Zonka Feedback Survey Link looks like this – where 'Jd2vl8' is unique for every link that is generated.

Setting up Link Surveys

As soon as you create a new survey in Zonka Feedback, a unique link is automatically created for the survey.

Creating a Link

To access this link, go to the Survey Builder and click on 'Share' on the top right section. You can access the link from there.

Alternatively, you can get the link from the Distribute section.

  1. Click on 'Distribute' in the top navigation.

  2. Choose 'Web' tab for the distribution

  3. Scroll to 'Link Survey' section. The default link will be available here.

  4. You can click on 'Add Link' to add more links and they will be available here.

Renaming the link

Links are available as filters in Zonka Feedback Response Inbox and Reports. Giving them friendly names can help you easily recognize the links and use them as filters effectively.

Here's how you can rename the links.

  1. Click on the 'Settings' icon in the link list to rename the link.

  2. A pop up will open where you can edit the Name of the link.

  3. Edit the name and click on Save.

Allowing Multiple Responses for a Survey Link

By default, all survey links created in Zonka Feedback can be responded to multiple times by the same respondent. This can be managed in Link Settings and can be turned off if you'd like to get only one response per respondent.

Here's how you can manage Allowing Multiple Responses from the same user.

  1. Click on the 'Settings' icon in the link list

  2. A pop up will open where you will see the Setting 'Allow Multiple Responses'

  3. Uncheck to allow only single response per respondent. Keep it checked to allow multiple responses.

Setting Start & Expiration Date and Time for Survey Links

If you are running time-based surveys or quizzes and polls, you may want to set a start and expiration date and time for the survey link.

  1. Click on the 'Settings' icon in the link list

  2. A pop up will open where you can set the Start Date and Expiration Date for the Link

  3. Turn on the toggle to set the same and click on 'Update' to save the changes

White-Labelling Link Surveys

White-labelling your survey makes your survey links recongnizable for your audience as it has your own domain added to the link.

For example, instead of using, using https://yourcompanydomain/fz38Gz will increase response rates since participants already know and trust your company.

You can white label your surveys in following steps:

  • Go to Settings > Account > White Label.

  • Enter the Domain Name you'd like to redirect Zonka Feedback Survey to.

  • Once done, click on 'Get CNAME Records'. Two CNAME records will be generated and will appear.

    To connect your domain to Zonka Feedback, you'll need to set up the following records in your DNS provider within 48 hours.

  • Once you have added the records in your DNS settings, click on 'Validate' to check. The status will be updated as Pending, Failed or Done.

  • Once the status has been changed to 'Done', your Survey White-Label would get activated.

πŸ“Œ Note
The CNAME Records expire in 48 hours, so once you generate them, be sure to add them to your DNS provider settings within 48 hours. Once expired, you would have to generate them again.

Generating QR Code for Survey Links

A QR Code Survey contains the direct link to your survey and can easily be generated from the Zonka Feedback platform. Each survey link has it's own unique QR Code which can be downloaded, printed and shared.

QR Codes can be posted at high traffic areas like cafeterias, airports, public washrooms, amusement parks and can also be printed on bills, receipts, packaging boxes as well as included in presentation slides.

To generate QR Code, follow these steps.

  1. Go to Distribute > Web

  2. Click on QR Code icon next to the link for which you'd like to view and download the QR Code

If you're looking at passing variables in QR Codes like location, or any ID, then you can create your Survey Link with variables and generate QR Code using any online QR Code generator websites like QR Code Generator, GoQR or any other.

Passing Variables and Data in Survey Links

Variables are like additional properties for your survey response and respondent. You can pass these along with the surveys to enrich the data and view them in responses and reports.

Variables are passed to survey requests (when you trigger or import or use integrations or APIs). This way you can pass different variables every time you send a survey.

Types of Variables in Zonka Feedback

  1. Survey Variables
    Survey Variables are variables related to the survey and include all Survey Questions, Survey Language, and Location (when used).

  2. Contact Variables
    Contact Variables are variables related to Contact Attributes and can be used to pass information related to Contact Attributes.

  3. Hidden Variables
    Hidden Variables include information and data that you want to pass in your survey response without adding Survey Questions or Contact Attributes.

Here's how you can pass variables in your Survey Link.

  1. Copy the survey link and paste it somewhere so that you can add the variables to the end of it, preferably a notepad.

  2. Get the variable IDs for the variables you'd like to pass from Build > Variables.
    (Survey Variables, and Hidden Variables can be created and edited from the Survey Builder itself. Contact Attributes can be managed here.)

  3. To the link, append ?variableID=variablevalue to pass the variable. For example, if you're passing Contact Name, the variable ID for Contact Name in Zonka Feedback is contact_name. So to your URL, you would add β€”

  4. If you're using multiple variables, use & between the same. For example, if you're passing Contact Name and Gender, your URL would look like this β€”

  5. After you create the appended URL, paste it in your browser to check that everything is working as expected.

Taking Location-based feedback with Link Surveys

If you're a multi location business, it is very handy to know which location your feedback is coming from.

With Link Surveys and QR Code Surveys, you can pass the Location as a Variable in your Survey Link. This will add the Location information to your Response and will be available in Responses and Reports for filters as well as populate the Location Insights Report.
For this you need to set external ID for the location. Here's how you can do that.

  1. Go to Settings > Company Data > Locations or here.

  2. You will see the list of locations here. Bring your mouse over to the location you'd like to edit. Click on the Edit button

  3. A pop up will appear. Add the External ID for the location from there.

To pass Location External ID in your Link Surveys and QR Codes, do as follows.

  1. Copy the survey link and paste it somewhere so that you can add the variables to the end of it, preferably a notepad.

  2. Append location ID with variable ID to the end of the Survey Link.

πŸ“Œ Note
You can set up external ID for each location while adding or editing a location in your list of locations in Settings > Company Data > Locations.

Taking Agent Feedback with Link Surveys

If you're taking feedback for customer service teams and agents, you can pass the agent details or the email address you'd like to associate rating with in the Survey Links to associate the feedback with the respective agent and view Team Performance reports.

Agents can either be synced from other tools through integrations or added directly here.

The variable ID for passing the user you'd like to get rating for is 'ratedUser'. Here's how you can add it to your Survey Link.

  1. Copy the survey link and paste it somewhere so that you can add the variables to the end of it, preferably a notepad.

  2. Append location ID with variable ID to the end of the Survey Link.{email}

πŸ“Œ Note
You can set up external ID for each agent while adding or editing an external user(aka agents) in your list of agents in Settings > Users > Agents.


What's next?

Once you've distributed your survey via Links or QR Codes, you will start getting feedback and responses. Here's what you can explore next.

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