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Web Survey Widgets πŸ’¬

Learn all about Survey Web Widgets β€” Side Tab Feedback Button, Popup Surveys Popover Surveys, Slide Up Surveys and Bottom Bar Surveys.

Sonika Mehta avatar
Written by Sonika Mehta
Updated over a week ago

Web Feedback and Web Survey Widgets are tools that you add to your website or app to enable customers and visitors to give feedback and reviews. They enable you to take contextual feedback or contact information with forms that can placed on your website or can be automated and targeted to the right user at the right time.

Why use Web Feedback Widgets?

Besides the obvious benefit of being able to take in-moment, in-context feedback, there are many reasons why Web Survey Widgets are very helpful for businesses.

  • They involve minimal coding and efforts

  • You can get real-time customer feedback and understand customer needs

  • You can get product rating, feature rating and reviews

  • You can turn positive reviews to testimonials

  • You can prevent churn by automating workflows for negative feedback

  • You can collect customer information and do lead capture

  • You can run marketing campaigns based on data collected via Web Widget forms

In this article

Types of Web Survey Widgets

Side Tab Feedback Button

Side Tabs are feedback buttons that can be placed on the right or left side of your website or app. Side Tabs allow customers to give feedback whenever they like by simply clicking on the button. The form slides open from the right or left side allowing customers and website visitors to give feedback.

Side Tabs are ideal for Website or App experience feedback, for lead generation, as contact us forms, for bug reporting, and more.

Setting up Side Tab for your Website

  1. From your Dashboard, go to the Workspace and Survey you'd like to set up Side Tab Feedback Button for

  2. From the top navigation within the Survey, click on Build & Distribute > Distribute

  3. Select 'Web' tab from the distribution channels

  4. Click on 'Add Widget'

  5. In the Configuration page, select 'Side Tab'

Once done, you can now edit the settings like Appearance, Targeting, Behavior and Segmenting of the Side Tab.

Popup Survey

Pop-up are forms and surveys that are displayed on a web page or app based on an event or time for users to give feedback and share information. Since pop ups surveys appear on the page in between a user's journey, they encourage users response, but can also be obstructive.

Pop-Up Surveys are great to use as exit intent surveys, cart abandonment surveys, post transaction and post booking surveys, lead generation forms, or time-based surveys.

Setting up Popup Surveys for your Website

  1. From your Dashboard, go to the Workspace and Survey you'd like to set up popup survey for

  2. From the top navigation within the Survey, click on Build & Distribute > Distribute

  3. Select 'Web' tab from the distribution channels

  4. Click on 'Add Widget'

  5. In the Configuration page, select 'Popup'

Once done, you can now edit the settings like Appearance, Targeting, Behavior and Segmenting of the Popup Survey.

Popover Survey

Popover Surveys are surveys that open in an overlay on a web page on a click of a button or link. Unlike Pop-up Surveys that are triggered by an event or time, Popover Surveys are triggered by user action of clicking a button or a link. Also, unlike Pop-up surveys that opens the survey in the center of the screen, the Popover Surveys open right to the button or link where they're placed.
Popover Surveys are ideal for in-context feedback like feature feedback, article or blog feedback, CTAs and more.

Setting up Popover Survey for your Website

  1. From your Dashboard, go to the Workspace and Survey you'd like to set up Popup Survey for

  2. From the top navigation within the Survey, click on Build & Distribute > Distribute

  3. Select 'Web' tab from the distribution channels

  4. Click on 'Add Widget'

  5. In the Configuration page, select 'Popup'

Once done, you can now edit the settings like Appearance, Targeting, Behavior and Segmenting of the Popup Survey.

Slide Up Survey πŸ†•

Slide Up Surveys are surveys that appear (slide up) from the bottom of the web page as an overlay. Similar to Popup Surveys, Slide Up Surveys can be set to appear based on user activity or time, like post transaction, visiting a new page, or after the user spends some time or browses a particular percentage of the web page.

Setting up Slide Up Survey for your Website

  1. From your Dashboard, go to the Workspace and Survey you'd like to set up Slide Up Survey for

  2. From the top navigation within the Survey, click on Build & Distribute > Distribute

  3. Select 'Web' tab from the distribution channels

  4. Click on 'Add Widget'

  5. In the Configuration page, select 'Slide Up'

Once done, you can now edit the settings like Appearance, Targeting, Behavior and Segmenting of the Slide Up Survey.

Bottom Bar Survey πŸ†•

Bottom Bar Surveys are buttons that can be placed on bottom right or left side of your web page that open the survey on click. The button text of the Bottom Bar Survey can be customized.

These are great as opt-in surveys where customers and visitors can click on the button to open the survey and answer questions.

In Web Widgets, you can configure settings for Widget Appearance, Widget Targeting and Behavior to display the surveys at the right time to the right user.

Setting up Bottom Bar Survey for your Website

  1. From your Dashboard, go to the Workspace and Survey you'd like to set up Bottom Bar Survey for

  2. From the top navigation within the Survey, click on Build & Distribute > Distribute

  3. Select 'Web' tab from the distribution channels

  4. Click on 'Add Widget'

  5. In the Configuration page, select 'Bottom Bar'

Once done, you can now edit the settings like Appearance, Targeting, Behavior and Segmenting of the Bottom Bar Survey.

Web Widget Settings

The Web Widgets can be configured with various settings including Appearance, Targeting, Behavior and Segmenting. The details of the Web Widget Settings are below.

Appearance of Web Widgets

(Available for all Web Widgets - Side Tab, Popup, Popover, Slide Up and Bottom Bar)

You can customize the appearance and look & feel of your Web Widget to match your web page or app design, your brand colors and attract more users and visitors to fill out the form and surveys.

In Web Widget Appearance, you can configure the following.



Available in which Web Widgets?

Survey Size

Choose from Microsurvey or Large Survey

Side Tab
Slide Up

Button Color or Bar Color

Choose the color of the Side Tab Button or the Bottom Bar

Side Tab
Bottom Bar

Button Text Color or Bar Text Color

Choose the text color of the Side Tab Button or the Bottom Bar

Side Tab
Bottom Bar

Button Text or Bar Text

Add the text that should appear on the Side Tab Button or the Bottom Bar button

Side Tab
Bottom Bar

Button Position

Choose if the Side Tab Button or Bottom Bar should appear on the left or right side of the web page. Choose if the Slide Up should appear on the left, right or center of the web page.

Side Tab
Slide Up
Bottom Bar

Show Welcome Screen

Choose if the Survey should open with a welcome screen or not

Side Tab
Slide Up
Bottom Bar

Auto Close on Submit

Choose if the Web Widget should auto close once submitted. If turned off, the respondent can click on the cross button on the top right to close the widget

Side Tab
Slide Up
Bottom Bar

Show Navigation

Choose if the Survey Navigation should be displayed or not

Slide Up

Side Spacing

Specify the spacing or padding from the right or left side after which the Bottom Bar should appear

Bottom Bar

Bottom Spacing

Specific the spacing or padding after which the Bottom Bar should appear from the bottom

Bottom Bar

Targeting of Web Widgets

(Available for Side Tab, Popup Surveys, Slide Up and Bottom Bar)

You don't always want all your visitors and users to view the surveys. With the Targeting Settings, you can target specific devices and specific types of users to view and fill the surveys.

In Web Widget Targeting, you can configure the following.

Target Devices

Visitors can access your website on any device β€” Desktop, Tablet, and Phone. However, in some situations, you may want your users to not view the surveys on specific devices.

In this, you can choose from Desktop, Tablet and Mobile.

Target Pages

Surveys are not relevant on all pages. For example, if you've introduced a new page and would like to gauge user experience on that page or you have introduced a new feature and would like users to give feedback specifically on that feature page or you want feedback or form to be filled on your blog page, you will need to specifically target and place your surveys on those pages.

Choose displaying Web Widget β€”

  • On all pages β€” Display the Web Widgets on all the pages, wherever you have inserted your source code.

  • On specific pages β€” Display the Web Widgets on pages you specify. You can set conditions like those pages in your website which has your specified words or those pages whose URL has been defined. Based on the selected word/page, your Widget would be visible.

For example, on the blog pages, post-checkout pages, and so on.

Target Users

You have an option to set the visibility of the Widget based on the number of users. Instead of surveying and taking feedback from all the visitors, you can choose if you'd like the feedback form to be displayed to a select percentage of users as a sample.

  • All users: All the people who visit your website irrespective of their purpose of landing. All your customers are valued.

  • Percentage of users: You can set what percentage of users can see this Widget.

Behavior of Web Widgets

(Available for Side Tab, Popup Surveys, Slide Up Surveys and Bottom Bar Surveys)

You can pre-set the behavior of your Web Widget with these settings.

Popup or Launch
This configuration is available in Popup Surveys. With this, you can determine when the popup survey should launch. Choose from the following conditions β€”

  • As soon as the page loads

  • After a delay of N seconds

  • After a visitor scrolls N% of the page

  • Visitor tries to exit the page

This setting is very important and helps you display your popup survey at the right time when it's relevant.

Popup or Side Tab Display

This setting helps you determine how often should the survey be displayed to the users, customers and visitors. Choose from the followingβ€”

  • Until they submit a response: This means that the survey will continue to be displayed to the user until they submit one response

  • Only once, even if they don't submit a response: This means that the survey will be displayed only one time to the user irrespective of whether or not they submit a response

  • Every time, even if they submit a response: This means that every time the user visits the page and meets the condition, the survey will be display always.

Identifying Users with Web Widgets

While you can take surveys and feedback without capturing any information about the respondents, we recommend you identify them whenever possible.

Identifying your Users allows you to link your Survey Responses to your customers, visitors or users of your product or app. For example, if you're running an eCommerce Website and are taking feedback after a purchase is completed, identifying a respondent can help you connect and link the survey response and satisfaction to the shopper on your website and the items they purchased.

Identifying Users also allows you to better segment and target the user and sync the responses to other tools and systems you use.

When you're copying the code from the Install JS Client Code section, you can choose from Anonymous Mode or Identify User. The following code block is responsible for identifying your users. When using the Identify User code, make sure that you replace the static code values with dynamic user data.

_zf('variables', { 
contact_email: "", // Replace with User Email
contact_name: "Robert Hopkins", // Replace with User Name

Passing Additional Data with Web Widgets

In addition to identifying the users, you can also pass other variables (Contact Variables, Survey Variables or Hidden Variables) in the code like country, subscription plan, user ID and more.

_zf('variables', { 
contact_email: "", // Replace with User Email
contact_name: "Robert Hopkins", // Replace with User Name
subscription_plan: "Professional",
subscribed_date: "August 1, 2022",
country: "United States",
gender: "Male"

Passing variables in Web Surveys enriches your responses and reports, and these variables are available as filters in the platform.

Anonymous Feedback with Web Widgets

There are many situations when you cannot or don't want to identify the users who are giving feedback and filling surveys. For instance, if you're taking Website Experience Feedback for visitors, you may not want to know the visitor details and the visitors may not be comfortable sharing the same. For such scenarios, you can run your surveys in Anonymous Mode.

Anonymous Mode means no personal identifiable information about your users, respondents, customers will be shared with Zonka Feedback. Once the respondent fills out the survey, their response will be available in Zonka Feedback without any identifiable information like email address, phone number, name.

You can switch between the Anonymous Mode and the Identify User mode in the bottom of the code. When using Anonymous Mode, identifyUser call from the code snippet will get removed.

Adding Web Widgets on your Website or App

To display and trigger Zonka Feedback Surveys and Forms on your Website, or within your app or product, you need to install the Zonka Feedback JS Client Code (a JavaScript code) to your website (or in-app).

  • There is one JS Client Code available for each workspaces.

  • All surveys of one workspace will run on your website or app using a single JS Client Code and multiple codes don't need to be added.

Here's how you can add the JS Client Code to your Website or App.

  • Navigate to 'Settings'

  • In the Settings menu, go to 'Developers' section from the left navigation

  • In Developers, click on 'Install JS Client Code' or go here

  • Choose the Workspace for which you'd like to view the code

  • From the Install JS Client Code, choose the Workspace for which you'd like to get the JavaScript Code Snippet for.

  • Once you've got the code, all you need to do is copy the code and paste it in the HTML of your Website or within your app.

  • Place this code after the <head> tag or before the </head> tag in your HTML.

  • Save and publish your changes to get the surveys working.

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