Preparing Target for your Website Survey
Sonika Mehta avatar
Written by Sonika Mehta
Updated over a week ago

Once you have chosen the type of Widget and made all the Appearance changes we need to set our target Audience. 

Should this survey be visible to all my visitors or only to some of them? How do I do this? One simple way is to configure your conditions in the Targeting section.

Here's everything you can do in the Targetting section,

Where do you have your Targeting Setting?

Once the attractive survey is created, Navigate to the 'Distribute' button and follow the steps below, 

  1. Click on the 'Web.'

  2. From here, select Web to configure settings for the Website Feedback button.

  3. Once inside the Web Distribute options, select your channel and click on 'Add' to configure.

  4. Click on the 'Targeting' menu from the below options. 

How you can Target?

Target Devices

Visitors can access your website on any device - Desktop, Tablet, and Phone. You have an option to choose what all devices the popover/Button should appear on. We have made our Web Widgets compatible with all the devices.

Identifying your Target audience makes your company develop effective marketing. You would know in which device you have high trafficking and enable your devices based on that.

Note: By default, it was visible on all the 3 devices, Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile. 

Target Pages

Once you are done with the device setting. There comes a question in which page would you like to see the feedback button/popover on? There are 2 possibilities for this, 

  • It can be on all the pages, wherever you have inserted your source code.

  • It can be on the page you specify. You can set conditions like those pages in your website which has your specified words or those pages whose URL has been defined. Based on the selected word/page, your Widget would be visible. 

For example, on the blog pages, post-checkout pages, and so on.

Target Users

You have an option to set the visibility of the Widget based on the number of users. Instead of surveying and taking feedback from all the visitors, you can choose if you'd like the feedback form to be displayed to a select percentage of users as a sample.

  • All users - All the people who visit your website irrespective of their purpose of landing. All your customers are valued. 

  • Percentage of users - You can set what percentage of users can see this Widget. 

Advantages of Targeting your Audience:

  • Knowing your customers better make your company successful. It is important to target our visitors would help your company develop effective marketing communication strategies.

  • Instead of sending your Feedback form to all your users, use this smart way to target your visitors.

  • This process helps you to find your visitors sharing similar needs or thoughts and makes your company grow.

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